
4 Signs That You’re Chronically Dehydrated

Mar 06, 2024
4 Signs That You’re Chronically Dehydrated
Signs of acute dehydration can be obvious like dizziness and less frequent urination. However, if your body becomes chronically dehydrated, the signs might become more subtle. We discuss how to tell if you’re dealing with chronic dehydration here.

All organisms on earth require water for survival. You need optimal fluid levels for every bodily function. When you’re dehydrated, it means that your fluid and electrolyte levels are low and you’re not taking in enough fluids to replace what you’ve lost. 

It can be easy to experience acute dehydration, often caused by stomach viruses, long periods of vigorous exercise, heat exposure, and certain health conditions. It’s easily remedied by increased fluid intake and rest. 

However, chronic dehydration occurs when you’re dehydrated for a long period of time even when you’re taking in fluids. It typically happens when you’ve forced your body to function on too little water for too long.

Chronic dehydration can cause health issues such as high blood pressure and kidney stones. Because of that, our team at San Feliz Urgent Care in Glendale, California, wants to review some telltale signs that you're dealing with chronic dehydration so you can quickly remedy it and prevent serious health complications.

1. You have dry, flaky, or flushed skin

When you’re dehydrated, you may start to notice that your skin becomes drier than usual. Dehydrated skin differs from dry skin. Dry skin appears when your body doesn’t produce enough oils to keep it moist, and generally, dry skin may crack or bleed. 

However, dehydrated skin will be more rough, scaly, itchy, and even flushed in appearance. You may also notice that your skin isn’t nearly as supple or bouncy and has more fine lines with a dull complexion.

2. You experience frequent headaches

While everyone is going to experience headaches from time to time, getting headaches fairly often might point to dehydration. There are many different types of headaches with different symptoms, but headaches due to dehydration have a few characteristic symptoms. 

You may have a dehydration headache if the pain is limited just to your head, the pain lessens with rest and water intake, and you have other symptoms of dehydration such as dizziness or intense thirst. 

3. You deal with constant fatigue

Because your body needs water for most of its functions —  including getting much-needed nutrients to where they need to go and removing waste —, not getting adequate fluids can leave you feeling especially run down, weak, and just overall fatigued. 

4. You have strong food cravings 

Dehydration can make it difficult for your organs to do their jobs properly. For instance, when your liver doesn’t have enough water, it can’t release your stored glucose (glycogen) or other resources for long-lasting energy as it should. This can leave you with strong food cravings, especially for things that are particularly sweet or salty.

Solutions for chronic dehydration

Of course, the best method for preventing dehydration in the first place is to drink plenty of hydrating fluids regularly, consuming extra when you’re out in the heat or exercising. However, if you find yourself fighting chronic dehydration, we offer IV hydration therapy to get your fluid and electrolyte levels back to optimal levels quickly and efficiently.

To schedule an appointment to address dehydration, contact our team by calling our office or by booking online.